
On Top – Canada Lynx (Lynx canadensis)

February 1, 2024

Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) are specially adapted to walk on top of snow with their big, splaying, fur-covered feet that function as snowshoes. The advantage of these specialized feet in catching their preferred prey, the snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus), is debatable due to the snowshoe hare’s own similar adaptation for floating on the snow.

The White Walker – Mountain Goat (Oreamnos americanus)

January 1, 2024

Mountain goats are “white walkers” even when winter isn’t coming. They keep their white coats all year round. At Fiera Biological we study a population of mountain goats in west central Alberta and for part of that study, we are using remote cameras to better understand how predators (and their typical “not mountain goats” prey) use the habitat surrounding the cliff habitat that the goats are using.

Demystifying LiDAR

November 14, 2022

If you have utilized any type of digital mapping tool, you may have heard the technical term ‘LiDAR’,…

For the Love of Bogs

April 26, 2022

Spring has sprung here at Fiera, and so, like everyone, our thoughts turn to bogs. What are they? How do they work?

Connecting The Dots: habitat connectivity and corridors

March 3, 2022

When most people think of wildlife habitat, what often comes to mind are the particular resource requirements that…

Landcover Classifications – under the covers

February 24, 2022

A lot of our daily work at Fiera relies on a single, invaluable type of spatial data, the land cover classification. A land cover classification is essentially a map based on satellite imagery that shows all of the different land cover types across an area.

Tracking Evaluations: frequently asked questions

February 11, 2022

Thinking about participating in a Track & Sign Evaluation? Then check out these frequently asked questions. If you…

International Day of Women and Girls in Science, 2022

February 11 is International Day of Women and Girls in Science, a day where we highlight the need…

A group of workshop participants pose with their certifications.

Alberta’s First Wildlife Track & Sign Evaluation

February 4, 2022

Fiera Biological recently hosted one of North America’s top wildlife trackers, David Moskowitz, to run a two-day field-based…

What have we done for wetlands lately?

February 2, 2022

Wetlands perform a wide array of important functions, some highly beneficial from an ecological standpoint, as well as…