Posts By: Joseph

What the Heck is a Hibernaculum

October 19, 2021

What the Heck is a Hibernaculum? During some fieldwork in northern Alberta, our field team came across an…

marsh wetland, cattails, open water wetland, wetland consultant, wetland expert, wetland assessment, wetland delineation, wetland classification, wetland conservation, wetland compensation, wetland restoration, habitat, waterfowl, amphibians

Know your Wetlands: Marshes

May 5, 2021

I have a confession– last month, when I said that swamps are my favorite kind of wetland, I…

Know your wetlands swamps, swamp wetlands, wetland classification, wetland consultant, ABWRET, wetland research, wetland monitoring, wetland conservation, wetland compensation, wetland restoration, wetland science

Know Your Wetlands: Swamps!

April 8, 2021

You’ve heard them before – lakes, ponds, marsh, slough, swamp, muskeg, bog, and the list goes on. These…

Wetlands, conservation, agriculture, research, retained wetland, prairie pothole, Alberta, Alberta Conservation Association, ACA, NAWMP, research grant

Does it pay to drain wetlands?

March 22, 2021

“… believing something, doesn’t make it true.” Shari Clare, Fiera Biological’s President and Senior Biologist had heard the refrain…

Remote Sensing and GIS as tools for environmental management

November 16, 2020

What is Remote Sensing and GIS? Remote sensing is the science of obtaining information about an object or…

Making Sense of Drone Sensors

May 9, 2020

UAVs, also known as drones, have become a popular tool in many sectors for collecting detailed, high-resolution imagery…

2019 Co-op Program

July 26, 2019

This spring I earned the opportunity to work with Fiera Biological Consulting in their 2019 Co-op Program as…